Parse String

Objects and people can serve as sources of information to which attention can be paid. Attention can be shifted between them, resulting in different information being received. This information is manifested abstractly on strings on the body with varying colors and intensities.

We are a multitasking society that often requires us to process multiple sources of information simultaneously, making it difficult to focus on one task. That‘s why our attention is being increasingly challenged by the fast pace of modern life. In our project objects and people can serve as sources of information to which attention can be paid or that can demand attentiveness. Attention can be shifted between them, resulting in different information being received. This information is manifested abstractly on strings on the body with varying colors and intensities. There is a growing amount of data and information available to us all the time. We are constantly bombarded with information from a variety of sources and it can be difficult to focus on anything alone. ParseString aims to visualise the act of ‚paying attention‘. In our wearable Information is being mapped as: velocity, colour or patterns or physical restriction. The different informations are being tracked with UWB – receivers which are installed in the room. They serve as a source for the different parameters and as an index of attentionspan.

Interactive Object/Experience, Performance
with Fabrizio Willi, Janosch Tillich, Sandro Beti, Johannes Reck